About the Game:
In Voxterium : Revision, you assume the role of an advanced security program tasked with the containment and destruction of a new breed of digital threat. The game, at its core, is a arcade-style shooter. However, it distinguishes itself from the duel stick, areana genre-mates by being a little more “spherical”. The player is locked in orbit, in 3-D space around the self replicating enemy, forced to focus on its origin while taking it out byte by byte. Quick reproduction is not the enemy’s only defense. A steadystream of varied attacks each provide their own challenge. Fortunately, upgrades can be collected that increase firepower, pause time, and even self replicate.
The game is developed by Ross Pinkstaff, founder of Picardy Third Entertainment. The game features the music of Zephaniah Harrington, a musician from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Release Date – May 29, 2012
Platform – PC
Distribution – Desura, www.voxterium.com
Price – $6.99 USD
Key Features
- Fast-Paced,intense action.
- Arcade shooter gameplay in a 3D environment
- Battle for the high score in the action packed levels of Campaign Mode.
- Sit back, relax and race against the clock in Casual Mode
- Tests your skills in the endless Survival Mode
- Mix it up in the Random Mode
- Control the game from your mouse, keyboard or XBOX Controller
- Support for user designed levels and campaigns.
History and Development
Voxterium : Revision is a sequel to Voxterium, a game created in 48 hours for the 22nd Ludum Dare Competition (http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-22/?uid=7470). Although this was my first game jam, (and for that matter, first public game development anything) Voxterium was well received. It placed in the top 50 in four categories and received some very encouraging feedback. I made the decision to back-burner all my other game projects, and make it my primary focus.
About the Developer
My name is Ross Pinkstaff, founder of Picardy Third Entertainment. I am technically in the game development business part time, however most of the time it feels like my second full time job. I’ve played video games since my father plopped me in front of VIC-20 in the early 80’s, and have been fascinated with the industry’s evolution over that time. Game design has always been my dream, and this year marks the time when I finally decided to get out the stands and hit the field. I have spent the last ten years learning programming and development in pursuit of that dream. I work out of a small town outside Tulsa, Oklahoma. I wear boots, I am obsessed with college football and fishing, and I have a beard.
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“Voxterium has a lot going for it, and can certainly raise its hand when original gameplay concepts are called out.” – Doug Walter, Indie Game Magazine
Zeph’s Music :
Other Information
I am always available for comments, questions and interviews. Shoot me an email and we’ll set something up.